Original Research
Training Grade R teachers to impart visual perceptual skills for early reading
Reading & Writing | Vol 6, No 1 | a73 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/rw.v6i1.73
| © 2015 Christelle Andrich, Anne Hill, Andre Steenkamp
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 05 December 2014 | Published: 07 August 2015
Submitted: 05 December 2014 | Published: 07 August 2015
About the author(s)
Christelle Andrich, Western Cape Education Department, Winelands District, South AfricaAnne Hill, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Andre Steenkamp, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa, South Africa
Visual Perception is the mind’s ability to interpret or give meaning to what is seen with the eyes (WCED 2006). Grade Reception Phase (R) teachers, of five and six year-old learners, need to impart Visual Perceptual Skills (VPS) during visual training for pre-reading. These prereading activities in Grade R support early reading progress in Grade 1, which is critical for improving basic literacy and numeracy education in South Africa. A quality Grade R programme which can deliver these visual training outcomes depends on a progressive model for effective pre- and in-service professional development of teachers. A model implemented via academic-governmental collaboration. This article seeks to describe and recommend best practices of such professional development. The recommendations are based on an overview of the current Grade R professional development landscape, a brief exposition of the Subject Content Knowledge (SCK) of VPS, a document analysis of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) curriculum and, finally, a case study with a discourse analysis involving four Grade R teachers.
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Crossref Citations
1. Birinci Sınıf Öğrencileri İçin Görsel Okuma Eğitimi Programının Uygulanması ve Değerlendirilmesi
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Türkiye Eğitim Dergisi vol: 9 issue: 2 first page: 246 year: 2024
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